+41 22 566 56 13

ESG – Environmental, social, and governance

ESG Considerations

GATE Capital Management integrates ESG considerations throughout its investment process. This approach reflects the growing investor interest in ESG factors, which help achieve sustainable, long-term returns, better risk management, and a deeper understanding of the companies we invest in.

Stock Selection

Exclusion Policy

  • Controversial weapons
  • Thermal Coal
  • Tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment
  • Violations of UNGC
  • Severe controversies

Sector positioning

Focus on specific themes such as:

  • Clean energy
  • Energy efficiency
  • Circular economy

    ESG Analysis

    • Refinitiv ESG rating check
    • Performance assessment of each of the E, S, and G pillars by analyzing qualitative and quantitative KPIs that are material to the industry
    • Conversation with top management


      ESG rating & KPIs Tracking

        Controversies Monitoring

          Feedback & Portfolio adjustments

            More information about our ESG Considerations can be found in our Sustainability Risk Policy :

            More information about our « Website disclosures » (Article 10 du Règlement SFDR) :

            Exclusion Policy

            The exclusion policy is the first step of our investment process. It allows us to determine the contours of the investable universe.

            A company is excluded from GATE Capital Management (“GCM”) investable universe in the following cases:

            1. Its activity is controversial with regard to the ethical criteria of GCM
            2. It is subject to significant ESG controversies (incidents, scandals…)

            The exclusion policy is valid for all asset classes and geographical areas. It is based on the Paris-aligned Benchmark (PAB) exclusions.

            Exclusion overview

            Controversial Weapons
            Violation of the Global Compact Principles and servere controversies
            Hard coal and ignite
            Gazeous fuels
            Coal electricity generation
            Short description
            Producer of controversial weapons (antipersonnel mines, cluster bombs, biological/chemical weapons, depleted uranium, and nuclear weapons)
            Production and sale of tobacco
            Companies involved in severe violations of human rights or that breach one of the UN Global Compact Principles
            Companies involved in the exploration, mining, extraction, distribution or refining of hard coal and lignite
            Companies involved in the exploration, extraction, distribution or refining of oil fuels
            Companies involved in the exploration, extraction, manufacturing or distribution of gaseous fuels
            Companies that simultaneously have a significant involvement in the coal business and lack a solid transition strategy towards a low-carbon economy
            Revenue Threshold
            more than 1%
            more than 10%
            more than 50%
            more than 50% of revenue with a GHC intensity of more than 100g CO2 e/kWh

            More details about our exclusion policy can be found here :


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